2023-2026. MISTRAL “A toolkit for dynaMic health Impact analysiS to predicT disability-Related costs in the Aging population based on three case studies of steeL-industry exposed areas in europe.” Horizon Europe project.
2022-2024. Experimental analysis of the influence of the chemical speciation method of potentially harmful elements on the results of health risk analysis in remediation decisions. Grant under Action 4 of the IDUB Project, 3rd edition of the competition “University grants for research carried out with the participation of doctoral students“.
- 2023-2024. Grant in a consortium with Universidad de Granada, Spain financed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (as part of the 2nd edition of the EU-FORA 2.0 The European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Program (EUBA-EFSA-2022-ENREL-02).
- Assessment of human health risk resulting from air pollution.

2021-2022. Microbiota analysis for risk assessment of xenobiotics and its potential impact on dysbiosis and endocrine pathogenesis: microbiota learning by doing”. EU-FORA – The European Food Risk Assessment (EU-FORA) Fellowship Programme, Cycle 2021-2022, Universidad de Granada (INYTA-CIBM).
2021-2023. “Human and Environmental Risk Assessment: State Of The Art and Future Challenges” Special Issue International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
2019-2023. From Soil to Plate: the Fate of Xenobiotics in the Food Chain with Ecological and Health Risk Implications, Special Issue Journal of Xenobiotics.
- 2021: Content and bioavailability of potentially harmful elements in arable soils and edible plants of southern Poland, with health risk assessment
- 2019: REMEDIUM Consortium – General Directorate for Environmental Protection (GDOŚ) in Warsaw, Public Contract No. 79/GDOŚ/2019 “Development of proposals for solutions regarding the procedure for assessing the existence of a significant threat to human health or the state of the environment in the event of exceeding the permissible content of substances causing a risk in soil, soil or groundwater, as well as the principles of choosing the appropriate method and technology of remediation”.
- 2017: CHMURAL Consortium – General Directorate for Environmental Protection (GDOŚ) in Warsaw, Public Contract No. 42/GDOŚ/2017 „Analysis of information necessary to assess the existence of a significant threat to human health or the state of the environment in the event of exceeding the permissible content of substances causing risk in soil, soil or groundwater.
- 2013–2014. Dean’s Grant “Risk analysis procedure as a tool for identifying environmental health threats,” No.
Characterizing mining wastes using various methods prior to their utilization – theory and practice.
Doctoral theses
Methods of determining bioavailable forms of contemporary pollutants and their impact on the results of health risk analysis and health risk management.